Maria Kalmykova
Sculpture, object

Born in Moscow in 1962. Biography
1981 – Graduated from the Moscow Secondary Art School at the Sculpture Class.
1983-84 – studied at the Leningrad State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E.Repin.
1987 – Graduated from Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, department of sculpture.
1992 – Joined the Moscow Artists`Union, Member of Commission for the exhibitions of Union of Moscow Sculptors.
2009 – Member of the jury of the Annual Competition for Intellectual Achievements in Contemporary Art «LomonosovArt ».
2010 – Medal «For Accomplishment in Development of Fine Arts».
Maria Kalmykova participated in the sculptural decoration of the shopping complex «Zapadniy», cafe «Marrakech», «Mezazo», restaurant «Мао», Yacht Club on the Pirogov Vodohranilishe, participated in the creation of the sculptural elements for the movie, theatrical productions and talk shows on television.
Maria create works of traditional materials such as bronze, fireclay, earthenware, wood, metal and stone, and unconventional fabric, plastic, paper, feathers, twigs, twine, as well as soap and chocolate…
Maria Kalmykova works are held in private collections in the USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Latvia, Estonia in the Vologda Picture Gallery, Cherepovets Museum of Art, at the Gallery at the Russian Federation in the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn, Perm State Art Gallery.
1991 – «Art-Myth», «Young artists in Vladivostok», Vladivostok Exhibitions
1993 – Personal exhibition «In genre limits», Central House of Artists, Moscow
1996, 2003, 2010 – Аrt Manege, Manege, Moscow
1997 – «Аrt-Salon», Central House of Artists, Moscow; «Metamorphosis of «Quiet life» and «Still life», Russian Fund Of Culture, Moscow
2000 – Exhibition at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn
2001, 2002 – Charity Exhibition-Auction, Central House of Artists, Moscow
2006 – Exhibition of Russian artists, Paris
2007 – Art Festival «Vladivostok – a City that I don’t know»
2008, 2012 – «Time to travel», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2009 – «Picnic Afisha», Kolomenskoye, Moscow; Exhibition at the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in the Russian Federation, Moscow
2010 – Festival of landscape objects «Archstoyanie 2010. Summer», Kaluga region, Nikola-Lenivets
2010, 2011, 2013 – «Bestiary», The State Darwin Museum, Moscow
2011-2012 – Art Festival «Abrau-Dyurso», Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk, p. Abrau-Dyurso
2011-2013 – Festival-Vernissage «Melon-Art!», Gallery «VINCENT», Moscow
2012 – Author’s Project «Masterpieces of World Architecture», III Moscow Biennale of Architecture «АRH Moscow», State Museum of Architecture named after Shchusev, Moscow;
Art Project «Nomadic Museum of Modern Art» in Project «Night at the Museum», Moscow; «Art of the Moment», Charity Festival of the newspaper «Moskovsky Komsomolets» «Under the Flag of Good!», Moscow;
Exhibition of Contemporary Art «Facets of Life», Vladimir;
«Modern Wooden Sculpture in Perm», The Perm Art Gallery, Perm
2013 – «Graphic Experiments», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
«Useless Beauty», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2014 – Exhibition in Gallery «Na Kashirke» in Project «Night at the Museum», Moscow;
«20 years later», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2014-2015 – Art Forum «Traditnal Contemporary Art»
2015 – «Another Reality», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
«Between the Color and Word», The Cervantes Institute in Moscow, Moscow;
«Yellow Submarine», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
«East-West», Gallery «Na Kashirke», Moscow
2016 – «Landscapes of Abstraction», Central House of Artists, Moscow; Exhibition in Saint-Trojan-les-Bains, France;
«Nude: Nudo, Nu, Desnudo», East Meets West Gallery, The Design Centre ARTPLAY, Moscow
2018 – “Variations on a Jazz Theme” from the series “Music Is Everywhere”. East Meets West Gallery. Design Centre ARTPLAY, Moscow