Arthur Shuvalov
Painting, drawing

Arthur Shuvalov was born in 1969.
1993 – Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University named after V.I.Lenin.
The artist lives and works in Moscow.
The works of Arthur Shuvalov are held in private collections, Sakhalin State Art Museum, The Pavlov-Posad Museum of Art.
1997 — International exhibition «Golden Brush», Central House of Artists, Moscow
1998 — International exhibition «Golden Brush», Central House of Artists, Moscow
1999 — International exhibition «Golden Brush», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2005-2009 — Participant of exhibitions of MAU, Moscow;
Participation in the international plein air: Mukachevo, Odessa, Khortytsya
2009 — Joined the Moscow Artists`Union (MAU).
2009-2013 — Exhibitions of the MAU, Moscow
2014 — «Russian Provinces», MAU, Exhibition Hall «Vykhino», Moscow;
«Chekhov on Sakhalin», Sakhalin State Art Museum
2015 — «In my Garden», MAU, Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow;
«East-West», Exhibition hall «Na Kashirke», Moscow;
«Christmas Exhibition», MAU, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2016 — «Russian Provinces», MAU, Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow;
«Russian Provinces», MAU, Lipetsk;
«Landscapes of Abstraction», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
«Red and Black», Exhibition hall «Na Kashirke», Moscow;
«Power fields» group Artbox, Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow;
«Nude: Nudo, Nu, Desnudo», East Meets West Gallery, The Design Centre ARTPLAY, Moscow