Maxim Protsenko
Sculpture, object

Born in Moscow in 1968.
1989 – Graduated from Moscow Theater Art and Technical College, Property department.
Studied at The Russian University of Theatre Arts in the Department of Scenography.
Worked as the artist-property man in The State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, Moscow Art Academic Theatre, Moscow Theatre «Sovremennik», Oleg Tabakov Theatre. Participated in the decoration of Gorky Park, Christmas holidays, «Picnic Afisha» of Kolomenskoye and design of the «Birthday of Moscow».
2010 – Awarded «Silver LomArt» for Intellectual Achievements in Contemporary Art.
Maxim Protsenko works in papier-mache, wood, metal, plastic, led, paper. Cooperates with galleries: «Peterson», «А-3», «21st century», «Nа Кashirke».
Works Maxim Protsenko are held in private collections in Russia, UK and Austria
2009 – Exhibition at the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in the Russian Federation, Moscow; Art Project «Art-Ramp», Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow
2010-2012 – «Bestiary», The State Darwin Museum, Moscow
2010 – Аrt Manege, Manege, Moscow; «Labyrinth of Modernity» и «Аrt-Mystery» in Project «Unbearable Freedom of Creativity», Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow; Festival of landscape objects «Archstoyanie 2010. Summer», Kaluga region, Nikola-Lenivets
2010-2015 – «Session of Moscow Artists», Gallery «А-3», Moscow
2010-2013 – Festival-Vernissage «Melon-Art!», Gallery «VINCENT», Moscow
2011 – «Uo mo introspettivo», The Krasnodar Regional Art Museum named after F. A. Kovalenko, Krasnodar
2011-2013 – Art Festival «Abrau-Dyurso», Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk, p. Abrau-Dyurso
2012 – «Time to travel», Central House of Artists, Moscow; «Live architecture», «The Tree of life», Center «MOD Desing», Moscow; Art Project «Nomadic Museum of Modern Art» in project «Night at the Museum», Moscow; «Art of the Moment», Charity Festival of the newspaper «Moskovsky Komsomolets» «Under the Flag of Good!», Moscow; Exhibition of Contemporary Art «Facets of life», Vladimir
2013 – «Graphic Experiments», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
«Useless Beauty», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2014 – Exhibition in Gallery «Na Kashirke» in Project «Night at the Museum», Moscow;
«20 years later», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2014-2015 – Art Forum «Traditional Contemporary Art»
2015 – «Another Reality», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
«Between the Color and Word», The Cervantes Institute in Moscow, Moscow;
«Yellow Submarine», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
«East-West», Gallery «Na Kashirke», Moscow
2016 – «Landscapes of Abstraction», Central House of Artists, Moscow; Exhibition in Saint-Trojan-les-Bains, France;
«Nude: Nudo, Nu, Desnudo», East Meets West Gallery, The Design Centre ARTPLAY, Moscow
2018 – “Variations on a Jazz Theme” from the series “Music Is Everywhere”. East Meets West Gallery. Design Centre ARTPLAY, Moscow