Tatiana Holevo

Born in 1970 in Cherepovetsk, Vologda oblast.
1989 – Graduated Moscow Art-Industrial School named after M. I. Kalinin.
1999 – Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin.
2008 – Joined the Moscow Artists`Union (MAU).
Tatiana Holevo works are held in private collections in Germany, Italy, Japan, USA.
1996 – Autumn Youth Exhibition, Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow
1998 – «Observation», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2001 – Youth Exhibition, Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow
2008 – Christmas Exhibition, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20», Moscow
2009 – «Russian Provinces», Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow
30 th Anniversary Exhibition «Young Artists of Moscow», New Manege, Kuznetsky Most, 11, Moscow
«To the City day», Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
Christmas Exhibition, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2010 – «Russian Provinces», Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow
IV Exhibition «The World of Painting and Sculpture», Central House of Artists, Moscow
Christmas Exhibition, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2011 – «Russian Provinces», Exhibition hall «Vykhino», Moscow
«To the City day», Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
«Сreative Wednesdays. Shape – square», Central House of Artists, Moscow
Christmas Exhibition, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2012 – «Russian Provinces», Exhibition hall «Vykhino», Moscow
Anniversary Exhibition «80 years of MAU» Exhibition center «Worker and Kolkhoz Woman», Exhibition Association «Manege», Moscow
Anniversary Exhibition «80 years of MAU», Manege, Moscow
«To the city day», Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
Anniversary Exhibition «80 years of MAU», Central House of Artists, Moscow
«Art of Nations». To mark the 20th Anniversary of the International Confederation of Unions of Artists. Central House of Artists, Moscow
2013 – Anniversary Exhibition «80 years of MAU», Kuznetsky Most, 11, Moscow
«Russian Provinces», Exhibition hall «Vykhino», Moscow
«To the city day», Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
Group exhibition «Nu Seasons», International Art Fund, Moscow
«Сreative Wednesdays. Female image» Central House of Artists, Moscow
«Crosspoint», Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2014 – «Russian Provinces», Exhibition hall «Vykhino», Moscow
«World of Art», Exhibition hall of MAU, Zelenograd
«From the other Side of a Model», Gallery «Open Club», Moscow
«To the City day», Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2015 – «Russian Provinces», Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow
«East-West», Exhibition hall «Na Kashirke», Moscow
«From the other Side of a Model», Gallery «Open Club», Moscow
«Сreative Wednesdays. Work 2014-2015» Central House of Artists, Moscow
«Landscapes of Abstraction», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2016 – «Russian Provinces», Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow
«Red and Black», Exhibition hall «Na Kashirke», Moscow
«Power fields» group Artbox, Kuznetsky bridge, 20, Moscow
«World Atr», Exhibition hall of MAU, Podolsk;
«Nude: Nudo, Nu, Desnudo», East Meets West Gallery, The Design Centre ARTPLAY, Moscow