Tatiana Ipatenko
Painting, drawing

1986 – Graduated from Moscow State Art-Industrial Academy named after S. G. Stroganov. Biography
1988 – Began creative activity.
Membership of Moscow Artists`Union (MAU), The Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Artists Union Of Russia
2011 – Winner of the contest «The Modern Landscape»,
awarded a Silver Medal of The Creative Union of Artists of Russia.
Lives and works in Moscow.
Associate Professor in Moscow State Art-Industrial Academy named after S. G. Stroganov.
Tatiana Ipatenko works are held in the collection of MAU, the Ulyanovsk Museum, Zagorsk Kremlin, in private collections in Russia and abroad.
2009 – Exhibition of graphics «Moscow Walks», Exhibition Hall of Moscow State Art-Industrial Academy named after S. G. Stroganov, Moscow Solo exhibitions
2010 – Exhibition of paintings, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow; Exhibition of paintings and graphics (90 works), Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2011 – Exhibition of paintings, Exhibition Hall of Moscow State Art-Industrial Academy named after S. G. Stroganov
2015 – Exhibition of paintings «Russian Province», Moscow State Art-Industrial Academy named after S. G. Stroganov, Department of Academic painting, Moscow
Participant more than 300 Exhibitions in Moscow and Regions of Russia, All-Russian Exhibitions of painting and graphics, participant of International Exhibitions and Competitions. Group exhibitions
Participant of the Annual Exhibitions: «Stroganov tradition», «Stroganov followers», «Moscow and Muscovites», «Landscape Of Moscow», «Moscow landscape», Christmas exhibitions, MAU; «Russian Province», MAU.
2007 – «Moscow – Artists – Moscow», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2008 – «50 years MAU of Russia 1958-2008», Central House of Artists, Moscow; «Moscow – Artists – Moscow», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2009 – International Festival «Moscow-City of Peace», Kuznetsky Most, 11, Moscow; ХIХ Moscow International Exhibition-Competition of Modern painting «Golden brush», Central House of Artists, Moscow; Regional Anniversary Exhibition of MAU, New Manege, Moscow; International Competition «I-st Festival of Ukrainian Culture», Russia Exhibition Center, Museum of Friendship of peoples, Moscow
2010 – «World of Painting and Sculpture», Central House of Artists, Moscow; ХХ Moscow International Exhibition-Competition of Modern painting «Golden Brush», dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War, Central House of Artists, Moscow; «Autumn 2010» Exhibition Hall of MAU, Moscow
2011 – «Nude, Still life», Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow; «Spring is coming, Spring give Way!», The House of Moscow Government Public Relations, Mosfilmovskaya, 40, Moscow; «About the Summer», Gallery «Les», Moscow; «Trial Balloon» Exhibition Center «Worker and Kolkhoz Woman», Museum and Exhibition Association «Manege», Moscow
2012 – Anniversary exhibition «80 years of MAU», Central House of Artists, Moscow; «80 years of MAU», Kuznetsky Most, 11, Moscow; «Nu Seasons», Bolshoy Levshinsky lane д.8/1, Moscow; «The Art of Today. Portrait», «Games and Entertainment», Exhibition Hall of MAU, Moscow; «New Art Nude», Central House of Artists, Moscow; XI International Festival «Moscow-City of Peace», The Russian Fund of Culture, Moscow; «Crosspoint», Tverskaya-Yamskaya 20, Moscow
2014 – All-Russian Exhibition of Artists Union of Russia «Russia XII», Central House of Artists, Moscow; «Space of Light and Color», Central House of Artists, Moscow; «Crosspoint», Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow; «Color of Snow», Exhibition Hall «Vyhino», Moscow; «Flowers and All living Things», Gallery «Na Peschanoy», Moscow; Spring exhibition, Exhibition Hall «Tushino», Moscow; «Koktebel – Karadag», Exhibition Hall «South-East», «Vyhino», Moscow; «Bridge 2», Starosadsky lane 5, Moscow; «Moscow Artists of the Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum», Tverskaya-Yamskaya 20, Moscow; «Religious Themes in Contemporary Art», «Religious Story in the Works of Artists», Exhibition Hall «Tushino», Moscow; «Metaphysics. Windows, Door, Mirrors», Kuznetsky Most, 11, Moscow; «City of Free Masters», Exhibition Hall «South-East», Moscow; «From the other Side of a Model», Gallery «Open club», Moscow
2015 – «Art-tree», Exhibition Hall «South-East», Moscow; «March Light», Exhibition Hall «South-East», «Vyhino», Moscow; «East-West», Gallery «Na Kashirke», Moscow; «Landscapes of Abstraction», Gallery «Na Kashirke», Moscow; «Teachers and Students», Cultural Center of Zelenograd; Exhibition-Contest «Watercolor 2015»; «Moscow in Different Types», Lavrushin Art Gallery, Moscow; «The Art of Today. Holiday», Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow
2016 – International Project «Red-black», Gallery «Na Kashirke», Moscow; «Landscape and abstraction», Central House of Artists, Moscow; «Power fields», Kuznetsky Most 20, Moscow; «World of Art», Exhibition Hall of MAU, Podolsk; «Moscow Painters to the Regions», Kuznetsky Most 20; «Moscow Artists in Noginsk», Noginsk; «Exposure», Exhibition Hall «Tushino», Moscow, Saint Petersburg; «Nude: Nudo, Nu, Desnudo», East Meets West Gallery, The Design Centre ARTPLAY, Moscow