Valentin Chopyk
Painting, drawing

Valentin Chopyk was born in 1970 in Leningrad.
2003 – Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, Faculty of Design and Decorative Arts.
2011 – Joined the Moscow Artists`Union (MAU)
1995 – Participant of International group exhibitions.
Valentin Chopyk works are held in private collections in Germany, USA, Moldova.
1996 – Personal exhibition in the City hall, Hilpoltstein, Germany
2011 – «To the City Day», MAU, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow;
Group exhibition at the New Manege, Moscow;
«Christmas exhibition», MAU, Tverskaya – Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2012 – «Russian Province», MAU, exhibition hall «Vykhino», Moscow;
Anniversary exhibition «80 years of MAU » at the exhibition center «Worker and Kolkhoz Woman», Museum and Exhibition Association «Manege», Moscow;
«To the city day», MAU, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2013 – Anniversary exhibition «80 years of MAU», Kuznetzky Most, 11, Moscow;
«Russian Province», MAU, Exhibition Hall «Vykhino», Moscow;
Youth exhibition, MAU, Central House of Artists, Moscow;
«To the city day», MAU, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow;
Exhibition at the International Arts Fund, Moscow;
«Nu Seasons», Central House of Artists, Moscow;
Сreative Wednesdays at the Central House of Artists, «Female image», Moscow;
«Crosspoint», Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow
2014 – «Russian Province», MAU, Exhibition Hall «Vykhino», Moscow;
«World of Art», MAU, Zelenograd;
«From the other side of a Model», Gallery «Open Club», Moscow;
«To the City Day», MAU, Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 20, Moscow;
2015 – «Russian province», MAU, Kusnetskiy bridge, 20, Moscow;
«East-West» Exhibition Hall «Na Kashirke», Moscow;
«From the other side of a Model», Gallery «Open Club», Moscow;
Сreative Wednesdays at the Central House of Artists, «Works 2014-2015», Moscow;
«Landscapes of Abstraction», Central House of Artists, Moscow
2016 – «Russian Provinces», MAU, Kuznetzky Most, 20, Moscow;
«Painting Without Borders», Tula Museum of Fine Arts, Tula;
«Red and Black», Exhibition Hall «Na Kashirke», Moscow;
«Power Fields» group Artbox, Kuznetzky Most, 20, Moscow;
«World of Art», MAU, Podolsk;
«Nude: Nudo, Nu, Desnudo», East Meets West Gallery, The Design Centre ARTPLAY, Moscow